Sunday, October 25, 2015

Process of writing You are Beautiful

I was asked to describe how beautiful J was and I could come up with a measly couple of you are more beautiful than something, and I compared to Picasso, in one of the comparisons. It did not settle well, with J to say the least.

I know and believe J is beautiful, I just could not find the right words to express how beautiful I think J is. I put my mind to it, and came up with a few older comparisons but I wanted to express her beauty and praise her, in a manner which could strike a cord.

So, I searched for words which could put the transcending beauty into a few words. So, I googled "beautiful things" in google to help me find the beauty in nature. However, I quickly figured my sense of beauty is all encompassing, and google was not the medium, I should be searching for beauty, for sure.

However, I managed to find a list of beautiful words. A thought occurred to me, that words have to be beautiful first to express beauty. So, I chose, sonder, syzygy, aquiver and mellifluous. I was aware of the later two, but I could not have come up with these words without googles help.

So, the words were a good starting point. From there on, I brought a mental picture of J in my mind, and tried to put words to how really thought about her. I hope the outcome was decent. Well, you guys can read it for yourself.

I hope to share her beautiful self better in words, in time to follow.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Love yourself. Love others. Unconditionally.

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